A distribution event where the Rotaractors in sponsor with District 3191 came together to distribute biscuits to the late-night workers If an event brought a smile at the end of day, it definitely should be Biscuit Distribution to the late-night workers such as Metro Workers, Delivery Boys, Tea sellers, etc. In sponsor with District 3191, we had received the upto 200 Units of UNIBIC biscuits to distribute to people. We the club members came up with the idea to distribute the Biscuits to late night workers in areas of Bellandur and HSR Layout. The event started late night around 11 pm and we went on distributing biscuits till 2 am. The immense joy of giving the biscuits to the people is immeasurable. The smile on the faces of workers after they receive a token was really worth spending our night on streets of Bangalore.