Our fun-filled PD project Ready, Set, Cook! continued from last year as we started off this year by learning how to make super easy and tasty mug cakes by our IPP Rtr. Sakshi Goel. Our club members gathered to learn how to make simple and easy chocolate mug cakes that can be made in several flavours and as per one’s liking. We took our own mugs and made our own mug cakes after a demonstration by our IPP Rtr. Sakshi Goel. Following her instructions, we each made our cakes in turns, microwaved it till it was done and looked delicious, then sat and enjoyed the cakes together. The cakes could be cooked as per our own liking, depending whether we liked it spongy, cakey, fudgy or gooey 😋 After spending around 1.5 hours in the kitchen, we had fun and became competitive while playing games and spending time together. Overall, it was a fun-filled day complete with mouth-watering cake!