Rotaract club of KGF had a fantastic time during the 1st RICE event for the year 2023-24 hosted by the Rotaract club of Alandur Incredibles from RID 3232 in Chennai on the 5th and 6th of August. Exploring different places like Mahabalipuram, Marina Beach, and enjoying some leisure time at Phoenix Mall must have been an enriching experience. Additionally, playing sports in Turf would have been a fun way to bond and engage in some physical activity.It's wonderful to see that the Rotaract club of KGF had such a great experience and is looking forward to welcoming members of the Rotaract club of Alandur Incredibles for the upcoming RIDE event. Such exchanges and collaborations within the Rotaract comRotaract club of KGF had a fantastic time during the 1st RICE event for the year 2023-24 hosted by the Rotaract club of Alandur Incredibles from RID 3232 in Chennai on the 5th and 6th of August. Exploring different places like Mahabalipuram, Marina Beach, and enjoying some leisure time at Phoenix Mall must have been an enriching experience. Additionally, playing sports in Turf would have been a fun way to bond and engage in some physical activity.It's wonderful to see that the Rotaract club of KGF had such a great experience and is looking forward to welcoming members of the Rotaract club of Alandur Incredibles for the upcoming RIDE event. Such exchanges and collaborations within the Rotaract community contribute to fostering friendships and strengthening the spirit of service and fellowship.munity contribute to fostering friendships and strengthening the spirit of service and fellowship.