Friendship day 2023 was indeed a special one for RACBCWCC and BOD Members . We had stalls at our college selling customised name friendship bands made with colourful beads and pearls .These were the most beautiful bands till now and kudos to the talented team for making it on the spot. Friends gifted eachother name bracelets and also got friendship name bands . A hair braiding stall also set up with colourful satin ribbons . Friends twinned with each other getting the same braids done . Satin ribbon braiding is very stylish and funky and popular amongst the college students . Next we had a very cute stall called "friendship imprints" where students and teachers imprinted their finger prints on a small piece of paper and our volunteers doodled them into cute characters . They kept this as a token of friendship in their phone cases and enjoyed the process . The very intersting thing of the fundraiser was "pen pal" where students and teachers wrote anonymous letters to their friends in campus . Our volunteers helped them decorate their letters and deliver it anonymously accross the college . No event is complete at cottons without food . So for our hunger pals we had some hot sizzling pizza's. Our volunteers customised the pizza according to the customers preference and come crunchy ,tasty nachos with flavourful dips and vegetables. All of the BOD Members twinned in pink colour outfits to celebrate friendship day .