Zoonotic Diseases : A one health perspective 💝 was a collaboration project done with the Rotaract Club Of DPSRU 🫱🏻🫲🏻. This project was an online session conducted on 7th of October 2023. The main motive of this project was to spread the awareness regarding zoonotic diseases which can cause by animals 🦛 or the pets 🐕 Which is directly effected on humans in the form of diseases 🦠 like Rabies, Blastomycosis, Psittacosis etc.. Through this online session we got a chance to know about the steps to be taken in order to prevent these diseases 🦠. We are very thankful for the Rotaract Club Of DPSRU for this opportunity 😍🫱🏻🫲🏻. Hoping for more and more collaborations 🫂🫱🏻🫲🏻.