On the 28th of July, the Rotaract Club of Bangalore BIT collaborated with Rotaract Club of Mount Carmel College for the event of Waste to Wonder. The speaker of the day was Mrs. Shalini Khanna Charles. She took up various interesting topics to talk on. It was a fun and interactive session. She spoke about different ways of composting like cost friendly ones where is no budget to a little budget, she talked about Vermicomposting, aerobic composting, etc. She spoke about the segregation of the waste into Green Bin, Red Bin and Reusable Bag, and how this practice is helpful in saving the nature. She made some very interesting points by such as we should promote the local foods or other local stuff; we should do events like green events, which generates least waste; we should use less chemical stuff like Lysol or Pril or Colin (basically cleaning or anything that we use) we can use natural stuff so that lesser amount of chemicals are present around us and be less harmful.