he Polio Awareness Walkathon, organized by the Rotaract Club of Koramangala along with Rotary District 3191, Rotaract District 3191,Interact District 3191 and DPPC (District PolioPlus Committee) on October 28, 2023, stands as a significant initiative in spreading awareness about the eradication of polio. This event marked a collaborative effort with the active involvement and support of the Rotaract Club of Bangalore Jayanagar. The Walkathon served as a vital platform to advocate for polio eradication and to highlight the ongoing efforts to ensure a polio-free world. Participants enthusiastically joined the walkathon, demonstrating their commitment to raising awareness about the importance of vaccination and its role in eradicating polio. The event's primary goal was to engage and educate the public about the need for widespread vaccination, emphasizing the critical role individuals play in ensuring the eradication of this infectious disease. Through this collaborative effort, the walkathon successfully echoed a strong message in the community about the significance of maintaining vigilance and proactive measures to prevent the resurgence of polio.