The Dandiya Celebration, organized by Rotaract Aagneya, was a resounding success, held on October 15 at BGMS Shishukunj vidyalaya. This event aimed to spread joy and happiness amongst the underprivileged children residing in shelter homes. It was an evening filled with lively dance, heartfelt interactions, and a collective spirit of giving. II. Attendance The event witnessed an impressive turnout, with a total of 120 children from various shelter homes in attendance. In addition to the enthusiastic participation of the children, the event drew support from members of the club, highlighting the unity and collaboration within the club. Activities Dandiya Dance: The highlight of the evening was the energetic Dandiya dance, where the children, along with club members, danced to the beats of traditional music. The vibrant atmosphere and lively movements filled the venue with an infectious spirit of celebration. Snack Distribution: To ensure the children's comfort and enjoyment, a wide variety of snacks were provided. This culinary spread included nutritious and delectable options, catering to the diverse tastes of the attendees. Stationery Distribution: As part of our commitment to support the children's education, each child was provided with a set of stationery essentials. This gesture aimed to equip them with the tools necessary for their learning journey and foster a love for creativity. Impact and Feedback The event left an indelible mark on the hearts of both the children and the members. The joy and excitement on the faces of the children were palpable, demonstrating the profound impact of such gatherings on their emotional well-being. Feedback received from members and attendees was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing a desire to participate in similar initiatives in the future. The event successfully created a sense of belonging and camaraderie among all participants. Acknowledgements The success of this event would not have been possible without the generous contributions and wholehearted participation of all involved. We extend our gratitude to the children donors, members of Rotaract Aagneya, for their invaluable support. Conclusion The Dandiya Celebration with Shelter Home Kids stands as a testament to the power of collective action and community involvement. It was a heartwarming occasion that not only brought smiles to the faces of the children but also strengthened the bonds of compassion and empathy within our community. We look forward to continued collaborations and the opportunity to create more moments of joy and inspiration in the lives of those who need it most.