The Rotaract club of Bangalore Institute of Technology collaborated with the Rotaract Club of Bangalore who organized the RCB speaker series. The RCB speaker series was a technical talk on drones 101 by Leo Peter Charles, droneprenuer, founder of Jane Aerospace. The talk was organized in the AI & ML seminar hall of BIT. A brief introduction about the speaker was provided after which the floor was open to our speaker, Leo. The speaker provided an informative session on drones and their applications in making lives of humans easier and efficient. He also provided a glimpse into the world of drones and possible career prospects. By stating real life applications and uses of drones in various fields like agriculture, space, surveying, firefighting, contactless drug delivery, military and defense, photography, drone taxi and many more, the speaker managed to provide the audience and the eager students a clear picture about the world of drones. The speaker also spoke about entrepreneurship, to be specific, droneprenuer, how to build a startup company for drones. He also shared information about what happens inside the Jane Aerospace, the type of work they handle and their supply chain details. He also provided an insight about how the future of drones would be and how the growing technology is making impossible and tedious tasks way simpler and easier to perform. The talk was attended by several students from various departments of Bangalore Institute of Technology. The speaker’s talk was followed by the question & answer session