RaC RVCE hosted the third zonal meet “Conquerors Confluence” on 30th of December, 2023. Rtr. Madhumitha N and Rtr. Rtn. Akshay Kumar B S the beloved ZRRs of Zone Conquerors graced the occasion along with DRRE Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia . The meet served as a great bonding between the members of different clubs. Fun activities were organised for the members. Zonal and Club updates were presented. The meet concluded on a sweet note by cake cutting. The Clubs from the Zone Conquerors which attented the Zonal Meet were Bangalore Aagneya, Bangalore Uttaraahalli, Bengaluru HSR, S.S.M.R.V. Degree College, Seshadripuram Academy of Business Studies