In the heartwarming event known as "Sweet Surge", hosted by the Rotaract Club of Marathali and Rotary Bangalore Midtown participants embarked on a culinary journey to spread joy and generosity. Guided by the skilled baker, Kruthi MP from the Rotaract Club of Jain Evening College, the community gathered to bake delicious cakes with a shared purpose – to bring smiles to those in need during the Christmas season. The act of baking became a gesture of compassion as these freshly crafted delights were donated to the Government School in Munnekolala, Marathahalli. The event was not just about the artistry of baking but a celebration of the spirit of giving and shared fellowship. Participants united in a collective effort to make a positive impact, turning a festive celebration into an opportunity to spread warmth and sweetness to the community. "Sweet Surge" served as a reminder that the joy of the season is amplified when shared with those who may need it most.