This is an club service inititive by us to engage all the members and members from incoming RIDE. The session began with a round of splitting the members into 4 different group by picking a thread colour. This was followed by letting the groups interact with each other and introduce thier group name ,team leader and one unique thing about their group The first game, "word relay," involved members forming a queue. The first person was shown a word and acted it out to the next, continuing until the last person guessed. It was a three-round game, fostering teamwork and breaking the ice among members. We then played a game called "grab it first" which instilled excitement among all the members and helped create an energetic atmosphere. In the final game/ race, "Balance the Balloon," teams held hands in a circle, working together to keep the balloon in the air and reach the endpoint. The teams displayed tremendous teamwork during this fun and challenging activity The winning team was announced, concluding the event. The closure included letterhead exchanges with RIDE members (of districts 3131,3141 and 3142), insights on Rotasia, and a memorable group photo session