"Rangeela" emerged as a vibrant initiative aimed at adorning the walls of Government Primary School, Hebbal. Collaborating with creative minds among our directors and members, this event unfolded as a canvas for artistic expression. The painted mural conveys a powerful message, urging everyone to save wildlife through a captivating depiction of animals and plants. The collaborative effort not only transformed the school environment aesthetically but also served as a medium to instill awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation. The colorful mural not only brought life to the school surroundings but also sparked curiosity and conversation among the students about the vital role they play in preserving the planet's biodiversity. "Rangeela" stands as a testament to the transformative power of art and community engagement, fostering a sense of responsibility and appreciation for nature among the younger generation. Project Chair- Rtr. Pavithra, Co-Chairs- Rtr. Nagashree, Rtr. Yogitha