The "Harmony Hormones" event was successfully conducted with the aim of raising awareness about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and Polycystic Ovary Disorder (PCOD) among teenage girls. Dr. Shri Lakshmi, a renowned expert who practices medicine at the Rangadore Memorial Hospital, who served as the keynote speaker, delivering an insightful presentation on the causes, symptoms, and management of these conditions. The event attracted over 100 enthusiastic participants, all eager to learn and engage in discussions about their hormonal health. Through interactive sessions and informative materials, attendees gained valuable knowledge about the importance of early detection, lifestyle modifications, and available treatment options for PCOS and PCOD. Dr. Shri Lakshmi's expertise and engaging presentation style captivated the audience, ensuring that the information presented resonated deeply with each attendee. The event fostered a supportive environment where teenage girls felt empowered to prioritize their health and seek assistance if needed. Overall, the "Harmony Hormones" event proved to be a resounding success, fulfilling its objective of spreading awareness and equipping young girls with the necessary tools to navigate their hormonal health effectively. We are grateful for the overwhelming participation and look forward to future initiatives aimed at promoting health and well-being among adolescents.