Exams are a crucial time in the life of a student. We have taken up the task to teach the kids at a school near our college . The school is an Women based NGO initiative and currently conduct classes of standard 1 to standard 5, under state board affiliation . There are 36 students in total as of now .The volunteers focused on English syllabus for this project as per the need of the children. It mostly included teaching them pronunciation, helping improve their english reading skills , reading focused grammar lessons , parts of speech etc.Totally there are 3 classrooms in this school . Weekly twice every thursday and friday , we go to the school teach those kids and spend a very good time with them We are currently focussing on the board exams of students of class 5. Our volunteers have specially studied the syllabus of english and prepared worksheets to simplify the grammar for the kids and make them confident to take up their exams .