The Rotaract Club of Bangalore Jayanagar recently concluded an enriching Rotaract Inter-District Exchange (RIDE) to RI District 3790, Philippines, hosted by the Rotaract Club of Metro Malisiqui and Rotaract Club of Hundred Islands. From March 14th to 18th, participants immersed themselves in understanding the local culture and club functionality, fostering valuable networking opportunities with Rotaractors from the host district. Activities included providing orientation at two schools in Malisiqui, Pangasinan, visiting an organization aiding pregnant women, and participating in a beach cleaning drive at Hundred Islands, Alaminos. The event seamlessly combined service, cultural exchange, and fellowship, leaving participants with cherished memories and meaningful experiences. Three Rotaractors from three other Rotaract Clubs of RI District 3191 also participated in the outgoing RIDE