Rotasia 2024 Bengaluru, the Silver Jubilee Edition of Rotasia, concluded on March 3rd, marking an enriching experience for Rotaractors and Rotaract Clubs in South Asia. Hosted by RI District 3191 and RI District 3192, this international convention featured a diverse array of speaker and guest sessions. Notable speakers included Aisshwarya DKS Hegde, Trustee Secretary of the National Education Foundation, Deepak Vohra, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister, and Javagal Srinath, Former Indian Cricketer, among others. Participants also enjoyed networking, fellowship, and engaging activities like the Opportunity Pavilion for pitching ideas and raising funds, Mr. and Ms. Rotasia competitions, and the Bengaluru Darshini city tour. It was a memorable event filled with entertainment, insightful discussions, and culinary delights.