The event was organized by the Rotaract Club of BMSCE in collaboration with Blood Sea, a charitable organization dedicated to humanitarian causes, particularly focusing on providing assistance to those in need of food. Purpose: The primary objective of the food donation drive was to reach out to individuals, especially workers and laborers in and around the Manchalabelle Dam area, who were in need of food assistance. Activities and Highlights: ● The event commenced at 10:30 am with volunteers from both organizations setting up a distribution point at Manchalabelle Dam. ● Volunteers actively sought out individuals in need, including workers and laborers, to distribute food packets. ● The distribution continued until 5:00 pm, ensuring that a significant number of people were provided with essential food items. ● Atotalof100foodpacketsweredistributedduringthedrive,makingasubstantialimpact ontherecipients'well-being. ● The collaboration between theRotaract Club of BMSCEandBloodSea facilitated efficientcoordinationandresourcemanagement,enhancingthedrive'seffectiveness ImpactandCommunityResponse: The fooddonationdrive receivedapositiveresponsefromthecommunity,withbeneficiaries expressinggratitudefor the timelyassistance.Manyindividuals, particularlythoseengagedin manuallabor,highlightedthesignificanceofsuchinitiativesinmeetingtheirbasicneeds.