The DRR's Official Visit (DOV) is a formal process wherein the District Rotaract Representative and District Team visit the Clubs within the District. The purpose of this visit is to comprehensively review and assess the functioning of each Club, providing constructive feedback and guidance. It is essential to clarify that the purpose of the DRR's visit to the Club is not an inspection or an opportunity to find fault. Rather, the visit is intended to offer the District insight into the Club's activities. The primary objective is to understand and share best practices followed by the Club, as well as to suggest practices from other Clubs. This collaborative effort aims to elevate the overall quality, productivity, and vibrancy of Rotaract within RI District 3191. Rotaract Clubs are expected to submit their Reports, Minutes of the Meeting, Attendance and Financial Reports to the District Rotaract Representative when requested. This documentation is crucial for analyzing and understanding the Club's activities