On the account of Swachh Bharat mission our Rotaractors in collaboration with Kithiganur Gram Panchayat, Kithiganur Government School students, Shishu Mandir Vocational Training Centre, Shishu Mandir school children, and Schneider, spearheaded a cleanup initiative along the route from Kithaganur Government School to Shishu Mandir Education Center, aligning with the Swachh Bharat Mission. A dedicated team of 250 members worked tirelessly, armed with brooms, shovels, and bags, breathing new life into the streets. Their unwavering commitment served as a catalyst, motivating the community to join in, resulting in a truly remarkable transformation. What was once a neglected path now radiates with a fresh vitality, all thanks to the combined efforts of these dedicated individuals. This endeavor serves as a powerful testament to the profound impact that can be achieved through unified action, charting a course towards a cleaner, more vibrant future for all.