The fellowship meet hosted by the Rotaract Club of Hansraj College, titled "Film Fiesta," was a delightful event centered around the themes of laughter and happiness. It brought together Rotaractors from various clubs for an evening of fun and insightful discussions. The main highlight of the evening was the movie screening, which was chosen to evoke laughter and provide a lighthearted atmosphere. The film succeeded in engaging the audience, eliciting smiles, and fostering a sense of community. Following the screening, participants shared their personal views on the importance of laughter. This segment allowed members to express how laughter has positively impacted their lives, contributing to their overall well-being and mental health. Many highlighted how laughter serves as a powerful tool to cope with stress, build stronger relationships, and enhance one's quality of life. Overall, "Film Fiesta" was a memorable and enriching experience that highlighted the joy and benefits of laughter, leaving attendees with a renewed appreciation for the simple yet profound act of sharing a laugh. Hosted by Rotaract Club of Hansraj College, RID 3012