The Rotaract Club of Shishu Mandir successfully hosted an eye camp in collaboration with Shishu Mandir and Shankar Eye Hospital. The camp was held on May 22, 2024, at the Shishu Mandir campus. This initiative aimed to provide free eye care services to those who lack access to regular facilities. The Rotaract Club of Shishu Mandir conducted surveys in several areas to identify the people most in need of the eye camp and to raise awareness about the event. The event was well-organized, with our volunteers guiding patients through the different stages of the process. A total of 293 individuals received comprehensive services, including screenings, consultations, and necessary treatments. By preventing vision loss and improving the quality of life for those in need, the eye camp strengthened bonds within the community. During the camp, the doctors identified 44 patients who required immediate treatment. Thirty-eight patients were taken to the hospital, where 32 underwent surgery. Six patients with major problems were scheduled for further treatment. After the initial screening, the patients were taken to the hospital. Conducting the surgeries involved three stages. On the first day which took place on 22nd may where 17 patients received treatment; on the second day which was on 23rd may where, 9 patients were treated; and on the third day, which was on 24 where 5 patients received care. On June 28, the hospital staff will provide glasses and lenses to the patients that underwent surgery everything will be done at the Shishu campus itself. All services were provided free of charge, including the surgeries and glasses. The staff and management of Shankar Eye Hospital played a major role in this camp. Many expressed heartfelt gratitude for the opportunity to have their vision checked and receive corrective measures. We also express our sincere thanks to all the staff and supporters of Shankar Eye Hospital. The team extends special thanks to all the volunteers who were part of this noble activity.