The Rotaract Club of Marathahalli recently organized a significant community service project and professional development program titled "Water Sanitization and Hygiene" (WASH 1.0) at Government Polytechnic, Channasandra. This initiative was designed to address the critical issue of water hygiene and promote better health practices among students and staff. As part of the WASH 1.0 project, we conducted informative sessions that highlighted the importance of clean water, proper sanitization techniques, and personal hygiene. These sessions aimed to educate the participants on how to prevent waterborne diseases and maintain a healthier living environment. To further support this cause, the Rotaract Club of Marathahalli donated high-quality water purifiers to the institution, ensuring access to safe drinking water for all. This initiative not only contributed to improving the health and well-being of the Polytechnic community but also emphasized the importance of sustainable practices and environmental responsibility. By combining community service with professional development, RCM continues to make a positive impact, fostering a healthier, more informed, and proactive society.