Aqua Nation, a significant water-saving awareness event, was recently held virtually on Google Meet by RACKSSEM, bringing together a diverse group of participants committed to environmental sustainability. The keynote speaker for the event was Rtr. Rtn. Nagendra Babu, a renowned advocate for water conservation. During his engaging speech, Nagendra Babu underscored the critical importance of conserving water amid escalating environmental challenges. He highlighted the global issue of water scarcity and urged attendees to implement practical measures to reduce water wastage in their daily routines. Through compelling statistics and real-life examples, Babu effectively conveyed the urgency of the situation, inspiring immediate action. The virtual event featured a variety of interactive demonstrations showcasing effective water-saving techniques. Participants had the opportunity to learn about rainwater harvesting, efficient irrigation methods, and the advantages of using water-saving fixtures in homes and businesses. Aqua Nation was met with enthusiasm and positive feedback from the members. Attendees expressed heightened awareness and a strengthened commitment to water conservation. The event successfully fostered a sense of responsibility and collective effort towards sustainable water use, making it a memorable and impactful initiative led by Rtr. Rtn. Nagendra Babu.