"Virasat - The Ethnic Day" unfolded as a vibrant tapestry woven by the passion and creativity of our junior club members. With meticulous planning and boundless enthusiasm, they curated a memorable experience for our senior students, showcasing the beauty and diversity of our cultural heritage. The evening commenced with a dazzling fashion walk, where the stage came alive with a kaleidoscope of colors and textures from across India. Each outfit told a story of tradition and elegance, captivating the audience with its timeless charm. Following this, the rhythmic beats of traditional and contemporary dances filled the air, choreographed to perfection and performed with infectious energy. From classical forms to regional folk dances, every step resonated with pride in our cultural roots. Behind the scenes, our dedicated back-end team worked tirelessly, ensuring smooth logistics and technical support, which made the event seamless and enjoyable for everyone involved. "Virasat - The Ethnic Day" not only celebrated our heritage but also fostered a sense of unity and community spirit among our college members. It was a testament to the talent and dedication of our juniors, whose efforts made this cultural extravaganza an unforgettable experience for all.