On August 29, 2024, the Rotaract Club (RACMCC) successfully launched its inaugural episode of "Crumbs & Chapters: A Literary Feast." This innovative online event combined literary discussions with a whimsical cookie theme, attracting book enthusiasts and podcast aficionados alike. The hour-long virtual gathering, held from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM, offered participants a rich menu of literary delights. Attendees engaged in lively conversations about books and authors, sharing their favourite reads and discovering new titles recommended by fellow bibliophiles. The event also featured a segment dedicated to podcast recommendations, allowing participants to explore new audio content related to literature and storytelling. A highlight of the evening was the surprise cookie-themed game, which added a playful element to the literary discussions. This activity tied into the event's unique concept of blending literary appreciation. This game involved coming up with a quick story with the protagonists (who are not related) revealed on the screen, this led to a hilarious twist. "Crumbs & Chapters" proved to be an innovative platform for book lovers to connect, share their passion for literature, and indulge in some "literary sweetness." The inaugural episode set a promising foundation for future iterations of this unique event series, leaving participants eager for the next literary feast.