The Pink Wave, organized by Rotaract Club of Mount Carmel College on 23rd September 2024, was an informative and empowering online session focused on raising awareness about breast cancer and hormonal health. The event, held on Google Meet at 7 pm, featured two renowned experts—Dr. Dharma Kumar, a specialist in surgical oncology, and Dr. Dhatchayani, an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist (OB-GYN). The session aimed to provide participants with crucial insights into breast cancer, focusing on early detection, prevention strategies, and treatment options. Dr. Dharma Kumar discussed the importance of regular self-examinations and mammograms as a means to catch breast cancer in its early stages, significantly improving treatment outcomes. He also highlighted lifestyle factors that could help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Dr. Dhatchayani led an enlightening discussion on hormonal health, covering conditions like PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease), and PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder). She explained the symptoms, causes, and management strategies for these conditions, emphasizing the importance of seeking medical advice for hormonal imbalances that affect daily life. The Pink Wave provided a platform for participants to ask questions and gain practical knowledge on topics that are often under-discussed. The event successfully empowered attendees to take charge of their health, making it an impactful initiative toward women's health awareness and well-being.