RaC Bengaluru HSR, in collaboration with RaC Mysore, successfully hosted a unique session on Indian Sign Language (ISL) titled "The Art of Silent Speech." On October 6th, 2024, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM, enthusiasts gathered at Cubbon Park to learn the beauty of non-verbal communication. Rtr. Nida Fatima A B, District Inner Strength Director of RI District 3181 and member of RaC Mysore, expertly conducted the session. Participants learned the standard ISL alphabets, essential for effective communication. They also mastered basic gestures and signs, including introductions and greetings. The interactive session allowed attendees to practice their newfound skills, bridging the gap between the hearing and deaf communities. By promoting ISL awareness, RaC Bengaluru HSR and RaC Mysore fostered inclusivity and diversity. The event's success was evident in the participants' enthusiasm and appreciation for the unique language. As they departed, they carried with them a deeper understanding of non-verbal communication and a newfound appreciation for the beauty of ISL.