On 28th October 2024, to celebrate International Animation Day, our Rotaract Club of SSMRV initiated a creative PR effort, where members and Board of Directors (BODs) shared animated stories on their personal Instagram handles, tagging the club’s official account. This initiative embraced the spirit of animation, showcasing the unique power of animated art to communicate, entertain, and inspire. Each story was crafted to highlight animation’s role in shaping culture, sparking imagination, and connecting people across diverse backgrounds. By sharing these vibrant animations, members not only demonstrated their enthusiasm for this dynamic art form but also illustrated how animation fosters creativity and unity within our club community. This celebration of International Animation Day reflects our commitment to engaging with new forms of expression and harnessing the power of digital media. Animation is a universal language that transcends barriers and brings stories to life in ways words often cannot. Through these animated posts, we aimed to reach a wider audience, resonating with followers of all ages and backgrounds who share a love for storytelling.