Title: Hunger Relief Drive - A Pledge to Feed Bangalore Date: October 19th, 2024 On October 19th, the Rotaract Club of Marathahalli, in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of RV College of Engineering (RVCE), joined hands in an inspiring initiative to combat hunger in Bangalore. This event marked a significant commitment from both clubs as they pledged to feed the hungry across the city, reaching out to those in need and making a positive impact in the community. Objective The event aimed to provide meals to the underprivileged and homeless people across Bangalore. This initiative reflects the Rotaract mission of "Service Above Self," as members gathered to address the pressing issue of hunger in our community. Collaboration The Rotaract Club of Marathahalli was proud to partner with the Rotaract Club of RVCE for this noble cause. This collaboration brought together volunteers from both clubs, united by their shared passion for social service and community welfare. Execution The event involved setting up food distribution points across key areas in Bangalore where the need for food assistance is high. Volunteers from both clubs worked together to organize, pack, and distribute nutritious meals. Each meal was carefully prepared, ensuring that those who received it were provided with healthy and balanced food. Outcome The Hunger Relief Drive was a great success, with hundreds of people benefiting from the efforts of both clubs. Through this initiative, the Rotaract Clubs of Marathahalli and RVCE were able to make a significant contribution to reducing hunger in Bangalore, one meal at a time. Acknowledgments We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all volunteers, members, and supporters who made this event possible. Special appreciation goes to the Rotaract Club of RVCE for their collaboration and dedication to this cause. Together, we have set a strong foundation for future partnerships aimed at making a difference in society. This event was not just about feeding the hungry; it was about fostering hope and compassion within our communities. We look forward to more initiatives that uphold our commitment to social service and positive change.