Introduction Futsal 1.0 is organised to bring out the real sportsman’s with in the club including prospectives. Sports always helps to help individual to build the good relation ship between individuals in a positive way. Description 📜 • Started with assembling the participants in the turf for Futsal 1.0 and doing a warm up session by Akhilesh yadav a football player. - Team huddles and pictures taken and then proceeded to the turf to start the matches. - 3 teams playing 2 matches each and then the finals. - The players were given a debrief of the rules by Rtr. Smriti & Akhilesh as the referees and then the matches started at 10.40am. - It was energetic and amazingly skilled matches played by all the players in the teams i.e. Team Jolly FC, Team illuminatis & Team Pitch panthers. - The finals was played between Team Jolly FC & Team Illuminatis which was a very tight match and Team Jolly FC took the cup with an amazing fire game. - Post the matches, the players were given refreshments and the plants by the chief guests Capt. R. M. Kumar & Mrs. Bala. M for their amazing well played games. - A vote of thanks was given by Rtr. Smriti to the board and the participants. Overall it was a fun packed football tournament.