he Tinsel Tournament, organized by Club Service as the fellowship for December, provided a festive and lively celebration of the holiday season. Held on December 20th, the event brought together 15 participants for a joyful evening of fun and camaraderie. The fellowship kicked off with a discussion of the various projects successfully completed by different avenues throughout the month, celebrating the club's achievements and contributions. The heart of the fellowship was two rounds of engaging games. In the first round, participants tested their knowledge by guessing famous Christmas carols, bringing out some holiday nostalgia and a little friendly competition. The second round was a visual challenge, where participants had to spot hidden Christmas-related objects in carefully crafted images. Both rounds were a hit, with the audience fully immersed in the festive atmosphere and actively participating. The fellowship concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks from the Joint Secretary, Diana, who expressed appreciation for everyone’s involvement and support.