Rotaract Club of Bangalore SouthWest collaborated with Rotaract Club of SSMRV for their flagship project, Project Vishwas 2.0 - Healing conversations, which was organized on December 28, 2024 at Google Meet. The event was all about how manifestation can turn into reality. The speaker, Alex Rae Smith is an International Mindset Coach and Manifestation Expert. Manifestation is the process of bringing your thoughts, desires, and intentions into reality through the power of focused thinking, belief, and visualization. It operates on the premise that our minds have a profound influence on the world around us, and by aligning our inner thoughts with our outer actions, we can create the life we want. While this concept may seem mystical or esoteric, it has deep roots in psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy. The speaker shared her insights on how to turn your manifestation into reality and ways through which one should be focused to achieve their goal. She also shared that the concept of manifestation is popularized by books like The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. As per the speaker, the Ancient cultures, including those in India, Egypt, and Greece, believed in the power of the mind to shape reality. In modern times, it draws on principles from the law of attraction, which asserts that "like attracts like." Finally, the session came to an end by answering a few questions raised by the audience along with a group picture.