Project “Know Your Laws” is one such initiative taken by the Professional Development wing under the direct supervision and preview of the Rotaract Club of KLE Law College, Bengaluru. 3191. As a project initiated under the Professional Development committee, this project essentially aims to provide in-depth knowledge about Laws as such to the general public, in order to raise awareness and to cater to the need, to have a well-informed society. This project as mentioned, will play a crucial role in spreading useful information about those laws which not only play an important role for students of law or working advocates but also to everyone and every profession alike. As the event agendas are designed in such a way that it is beneficial to everyone showing interest. In other words, these lectures provides its viewers with a brief overview of laws, which are explained by our resource person in such a way that a layman can understand the same. To add on, the agendas for the events are taken in such a way that it deals which contemporary issues in the society and laws and legal remedies related to it, this is done in order to achieve the ultimate goal of the committee, which is to provide for a well-informed community or a society. To conclude this esteemed project initiated by the Rotaract Club of KLE Law College, Bengaluru, hopes to fulfil the mentioned objectives, as a way to providing substance to the same, the first project was initiated with its “Know Your Laws 1.0” delivered by Dr. Sharada K.S, Faculty of Law at KLE Law College, Bengaluru, on the topic of “basics of Constitutional Law with Special Emphasis on Fundamental Rights and Duties and the Preamble.” Which saw an astounding success, this project is also hoping to launch around 15+ series of ‘Know Your Laws’ series in the near future.